elastic-plastic flow meaning in English
- Based on sale method ( simplified ale , in which the mesh may move with arbitrarily prescribed velocity with respected to the fluid , and lagrange interfaces are maintained between cells containing different material . ) , the line loop integral difference scheme is derived which can be used to calculate two - dimensional elastic - plastic flow
并在sale ( simplifiedale ,一种简化的ale方法,网格可以任意运动,但物质界面处的网格仍然以物质速度运动,物质界面始终为lagrange网格线以保证网格中只有单物质出现)方法框架下,推导并给出了适用于弹塑性流计算的ale线积分差分格式。 - Based on the shale code , the early code of ale , the two dimensional finite difference elastic - plastic flow code hepale has been developed , in which the ideal elastic - plastic model and equation of state of gruneisen are used to describe the solid material , the programmed burn technique is used to simulate the propagation of detonation , and the equation of state of jwl is used to describe the detonation products
借助于ale方法的早期程序shale的基本框架,开发研制了二维弹塑性流ale方法计算程序hepale 。程序包含用弹塑性本构模型和gr nrisen状态方程来描述固体材料的行为;采用jwl状态方程来描述爆轰产物的性质;采用程序燃烧法来模拟爆轰波阵面的传播。